
Please Note:  Select the correct Town and or City you wish your funds to support.

Casa Grande, Az.

Coolidge, Az.

Eloy, Az.

Florence, Az.

Sierra Vista, Az.

Sponsor a Scholar: Coming from a small community of Eloy, Az., I understand the challenges of affording the high cost of going on to college, this is why I need your help, and the best way you can help is by donating $5, $10, $15, $20 dollars, as a one time gift or you can choose to gift monthly in any case 100% of your donation will go directly to the selectee’s College or University of their choice for educational purposes only, all internal cost within the foundation will be handled internally. Please note, large donors on down can write off 100% of their donation on their state and federal income taxes, tax ID (EIN 82-4459621). If volunteering suits you better, just
email me

at or call (520) 458-0887 Please note, check the Upcoming Events page from time to time to stay informed.
Thank you!